Tardy Policy
All students are expected to be on time every day to every class, including first block.
Car riders who arrive late to first block will receive an excused tardy if their parent/guardian signs them in at the front office.
Consequences: Each quarter, students who are late to class will be eligible for the consequences below (Consequences reset each quarter.):
1st tardy: Face-to-face reminder at the tardy table.
2nd tardy: Face-to-face reminder, immediate parent/guardian contact.
3rd & 4th: Face-to-face reminder, immediate parent/guardian contact, 1 day of ISS.
5th & beyond: Face-to-face reminder, immediate parent/guardian contact, and
2 days of ISS (Depending on the situation, the second day of ISS could be replaced with a parent/guardian conference or 1 day of Saturday community service.).
Safety Scanners
Safety scanners are used during arrival. All students will be scanned by security prior to entering the building. Students will need to take out their Chromebook prior to walking through the scanner. Any items not permitted at school, such as vapes, will need to be disposed of prior to them walking into the building.
Dress Code
Dress Code Policy
Students must dress in a way that follows these dress code principles:
Safety: Students must preserve the safety and well-being of all students by not wearing anything that compromises personal safety or that supports, glorifies, encourages, or promotes hatred, bigotry, discrimination, disorder, disruption, violence, gang activity, etc.
Sensitivity: Students must honor the feelings and perspectives of others by not wearing anything that displays potentially upsetting or offensive images, symbols, words, sayings, statements, individuals, organizations, etc.
Privacy: Students must protect personal privacy and display modesty, including, but not limited to, completely covering underclothing and completely covering chest, stomach, lower back, waistline, pelvic area, buttocks, and upper thighs down to where fingertips touch when arms are extended.
Identity: Students must remain completely identifiable and must not wear anything that obscures their identity, including, but not limited to, sunglasses and ski masks.
Exceptions include medical masks and headgear approved for cultural or religious purposes.
School administration reserves the right to determine if a student's clothing follows or violates the dress code principles.
Students who violate the policy will be given a chance to correct the violation.
If a student cannot correct the violation or chooses to not correct the violation, the student’s parent/guardian will be contacted, and the student will not return to class until the correction has been made.
Repeated violations will result in ISS or Saturday community service.
Outside Food/Drink
No outside food or drink is permitted in the building during the instructional day. Food delivery services are not permitted for students.
Technology Policy
Technology Policy
Students must keep all personal technology devices off and away during instructional time unless they have permission to use these devices for a school-approved purpose.
Students who violate the technology policy will receive a parent/guardian contact, will be removed from class for the remainder of the block, and will be required to surrender their technology for the remainder of the block.
Repeated violations will result in ISS or Saturday community service.
Academic Integrity
The purpose of this policy is to maintain academic integrity and ensure that all students engage in honest and responsible behavior in their academic work. Academic dishonesty undermines the educational process and devalues the work of others. This policy includes guidelines for the use of AI tools such as ChatGPT and other artificial intelligence features.
Academic Honesty
An authentic piece of work is one that is based on the student's individual and original ideas with the ideas and work of others fully acknowledged. Therefore, all assignments, written or oral, completed by a student for assessment must wholly and authentically use that student's own language and expression. Where sources are used or referred to, whether in the form of direct quotation or paraphrase, such sources must be fully and appropriately acknowledged.
The students at Rocky River High School are expected to work toward consistently demonstrating academic honesty and integrity at all times.
Academic Dishonesty
Any action that gives an unfair advantage to a student or misrepresents a student's own work. This includes, but is not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, fabrication, and unauthorized collaboration. Academic dishonesty occurs when students do not do their own work, do not behave with integrity, and/or do not complete assignments in accordance with the guidelines set forth by their teachers.
The list below provides some examples of behaviors that are considered academic dishonesty.
Using Unauthorized Aids/ Cheating - Using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, or study aids in any academic exercise.
Students must not copy the work of another student. This includes prepare, rehearse, and perform categories as well as daily classroom activities.
Students must not willfully allow another student to copy their work or answers.
Students must not use notes, study guides, tools, or technology on assignments or assessments unless authorized by the teacher.
Student must not tamper, copy, or remove assessment materials from the possession of a teacher/classroom
Premature Discussion of Assessments
Students must not discuss the content or format of an assessment with other students who have not yet completed the assessment.
Students must not use unauthorized applications of technology to assist in premature discussions.
Plagiarism - Representing the words, ideas, or work of another as one's own in any academic exercise.
Students must not plagiarize (copy) the work of other students, internet or print sources.
Sources must be appropriately cited.
Unauthorized Collaboration - Working with others on assignments or projects without explicit permission from the instructor.
Students must not help another student to be academically dishonest.
Students must not allow someone else (parents, guardians, tutors, siblings, peers) to complete work on their behalf. Students may receive general assistance and feedback, but the work submitted must be their own.
AI Tools - Any artificial intelligence applications, including but not limited to ChatGPT, used to generate text, solve problems, or complete assignments.
Students must not submit AI-generated content as original work without proper attribution.
Students must not use AI tools to complete assignments, essays, or projects without explicit permission from the instructor.
Students must not use AI tools during exams or tests unless specifically allowed by the instructor.
Preventing Academic Dishonesty
In order to prevent academic dishonesty, Rocky River teachers will outline expectations for assignments and will instruct students about proper techniques for citing sources. Long-term writing assignments will include “checkpoints” in which teachers review the student planning and writing progress. Attention will be given to the process of student work. Students are responsible for seeking clarification when needed and for following directions. Students should ask the teacher for verification at any time before the assignment is due. It is also recommended that students keep all rough drafts and notes they produce in order to defend themselves against charges of academic dishonesty.
Procedures for Handling Academic Dishonesty
Investigation: When a teacher suspects academic dishonesty, they will conduct a preliminary investigation to gather evidence within one week of receiving the assignment back from the student.
Documentation: The teacher will document the suspected dishonesty, including the assignment in question, and any evidence collected.
Notification: The student and parent will be notified of the suspicion by the teacher and will have the opportunity to explain their actions.
Review: The department chair and IST will evaluate the evidence and determine whether academic dishonesty has occurred.
Consequences: If a student is found guilty of academic dishonesty, consequences will include:
A zero on the assignment until the student is able to complete an assignment of equal content and value for a maximum grade of 79%.
The student must show evidence of planning process/student thinking
Teachers may request the redo assignment be completed in-class and/or by hand.
1st Infraction - parent contact and Ed Handbook referral entry.
2nd + Infraction - administrative referral and progressive consequences in alignment with the CMS Code of Conduct.