Campus Traffic Plan
Hello families
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools strive to ensure students can arrive and depart safely every day. We are informing you of updated information regarding the Bruns Avenue Elementary Arrival and Dismissal plan for the 2024-25 school year.
Attached to this letter, you will find the new campus plan for Bruns Avenue Elementary that will go into effect on Monday, August 26. These updates to the Arrival and Dismissal Plan will help to reduce any traffic congestion, and address safety or community concerns.
We look forward to all families’ cooperation with this new Campus Plan. We appreciate your support in ensuring all students get home from school quickly and safely.
On Monday, members of the Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools Police Department team will be on scene to assist with directing traffic to ensure safety and efficiency.
Please review this plan carefully and support your student’s safety by adhering to all guidelines in this plan.
Thank you for your time and we look forward to providing your students with a safe and secure ride to and from school.
What can we expect at Open House?
Bruns Avenue will host its open house on Thursday, August 22, 2024 from 4 - 5:30 p.m.
Charles Parker will host its open house at Charles Parker on Thursday, August 22, 2024, from 3 - 6 p.m. at Charles Parker in areas not impacted by water damage.
How many classrooms does Bruns Avenue Elementary have?
Bruns is a new school and has 45 classrooms. Based on enrollment at both schools we are confident that the new location can support both schools.
Will the combining of schools affect transportation?
Transportation routes will not change.
Student walkers are Charles H. Parker have been assigned bus routes while the school is temporarily relocated.
What are the bell schedules of the two schools?
Bruns Avenue operates on an 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. bell schedule and Charles Parker operates on a 9:15 a.m - 4:15 p.m. bell schedule.
What can car riders expect?
Due to the close arrival/dismissal times we ask that families not arrive at school until 15 minutes prior to arrival/dismissal.