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PSAT Testing for Grades 10 and 11


The PSAT exam will be administered to 10th and 11th graders on Thursday, October 19, 2023. All students will report to homeroom at 7:15 AM. Students who are not testing will have work to complete via Canvas for each of their classes. Attendance for the day will be taken in homeroom class.


To maintain a quiet testing environment and prevent test misadministration, NO students can be dismissed prior to the conclusion of testing at approximately 11:30 AM. Once testing concludes, then students will have an opportunity to eat lunch. Following lunch, students will return to homeroom and complete their assigned work in Canvas.


Parents / guardians are asked to complete the Google Form in advance if their student must be dismissed from school following testing on Thursday, October 19, 2023. Only students with a completed Google Form in advance will be allowed to leave school at the conclusion of testing that day (11:30 AM).


Students taking the PSAT will need to bring a fully charged device. Also recommended, a College Board approved graphing calculator, power cord, and snack/drink. Cell phones and smart watches are strictly prohibited during testing. Cell phones must be powered off and stored during testing. Students who violate prohibited technology policy will be removed from the testing room immediately and their scores will be cancelled.