On March 6th 2024, students in grade 11 will be taking the North Carolina weekday administration of the ACT® test, accepted by most colleges and universities in the United States.
Students MUST bring their fully charged school issued Chromebook and charger. Devices will not be available to use the morning of testing. Please make sure the device is functional and the TestNav app works. See Ms. Bombien in ParkIT before Wed, March 6 with issues.
Please make every effort to have your child at school on time on the day that this test is being administered, so that we may begin testing promptly in the morning. It is better to encourage your child to be relaxed, rather than to encourage additional drill or extra study at the last minute. Plenty of sleep and a good breakfast before testing are helpful since alert students perform better.
If you have any questions, please contact Tara Doherty.
Preparing for the ACT Test Online
Taking The ACT State and District