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Final Exams


At the start of the 2023-2024 school year, CMS updated the CMS Grading Plan that included the exemption of a high school final exam for courses that do not have a state required or EOC assessment if a student met the criteria identified below before the beginning of the exam window:

  • Students with a grade of an ‘A’ (90%) or above and no more than 3 absences.
  • Students with a grade of a ‘B’ (80%) or above with no more than 1 absence.


For students who have a significant undue hardship with attendance due to a medical concern, the principal may exempt the student from participating in a non-EOC / state required final exam pending the review of medical documentation through a Medical Hardship and if the student has met the academic criteria. It is important to note that the final exam exemption is ONLY for non-state required assessments. Students in CTE classes are requested to speak with their teacher prior to completing the form, as some CTE classes do not qualify. Math I, Math III, English II, and Biology do NOT qualify for an exemption.

Please contact Allyson Davis if you have questions regarding the final exam exemption process.


According to CMS Board policy (S-ATT/R), if a student misses more than 10 days in a class, the student is responsible for recovering seat time missed in excess of the 10 days in each class to earn a passing grade for the class. Attendance recovery may be completed in person or remotely and will be communicated with the teacher. Forty-five (45) minutes of recovery time equals one class absence.  


Understanding that some absences are beyond a student's control, requests for attendance recovery waivers may be appropriate if a student missed days due to a medical reason or hardship reason. 


An attendance recovery waiver for absences above 10 days in any class may be requested and must be approved by MPHS administration. If a waiver is granted, the student will still be responsible for arranging and making up any missed work from the days missed.


To apply for an exam exemption waiver or attendance recovery waiver, please complete this form in its entirety and attach all medical documentation and/or hardship reasons to this form. ALL forms MUST be submitted by Friday, May 31, 12:00 PM.