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Early Dismissal Guidelines

If any student needs to leave school early, the student must bring a note to the office before the start of school (7:10 am). The note will be verified, and the student will receive a pass to leave class at the desired time. The student must present the pass to his/her teacher at the beginning of the class from which he/she will have to leave. If the student does not present a note to the office to leave early and the parent comes to the school to pick it up during class, we will not be able to interrupt the teacher to check in and call the student. We will do our best to be able to call the student during the next class change. Our goal is to minimize distractions during classroom instruction. If you need to make last minute appointments, please pay attention to class change times and make appointments according to those times or after the school day ends. Under no circumstances will the student be allowed to leave class upon request over the phone. In the event of an emergency, you should email us, and we will do our best to verify it before a pass can be issued. However, this can cause a delay in the student's dismissal. Note: If your child texts you because he/she is sick, you should tell them to go to the nurse's office to call you. If the student calls from their personal cell phone, they will have consequences. Please contact Ms. Ingram for any questions: Ingram, Callie


Early Dismissal Procedure - If any student needs to leave school early, the student must bring a note to the office before the start of school (7:10 am). The note will be verified and the student will receive a pass to leave class at the desired time. The student must present the pass to his teacher at the beginning of the class from which he will have to leave. If the student does not present a note to the office to leave early and the parent comes to the school to pick it up during class, we will not be able to interrupt the teacher to check in and call the student. We will do our best to be able to call the student during the next class change. Our goal is to minimize distractions during classroom instruction. If you need to make last minute appointments please pay attention to class change times and make appointments according to those times or after the school day ends. Under no circumstances will the student be allowed to leave class upon request over the phone. In the event of an emergency, you should email us and we will do our best to verify it before a pass can be issued. However, this can cause a delay in the student's dismissal.

Procedimiento de salida Temprana - Si algún estudiante necesita Salir temprano de la escuela, el estudiante debe traer una nota a la oficina antes del comienzo de clases (7:10am).  La nota será verificada y el estudiante recibirá un pase para salir de la clase a la hora deseada.  El estudiante debe presentar el pase a su maestro al principio de la clase de la cual tendrá que salir.  Si el estudiante no presenta una nota a la oficina para irse temprano y el padre viene a la escuela para recogerlo durante clases, no podremos interrumpir a el maestro para verificar y llamar al estudiante.  Haremos todo lo posible para poder llamar a el estudiante durante el siguiente cambio de clases.  Nuestro objetivo es minimizar las distracciones durante la instrucción de clases.  Si necesita hacer citas de último minuto por favor ponga atención a los tiempos de cambio de clases y haga la cita conforme a esos tiempos o después que termina el día escolar.   Bajo ninguna circunstancia se le dejara a el estudiante salir de clase al solicitarlo por teléfono.  En el evento de una emergencia, usted nos debe mandar un correo electrónico y haremos todo lo posible por verificarlo antes de que se puede entregar un pase.  Pero esto puede causar un retraso en la salida del estudiante.


 Note: If your child texts you because he is sick, you should tell him that he needs to go to the nurse's office to call you. If the student calls from his personal cell phone, they will have consequences.

 Nota:  Si su hijo le manda un mensaje de texto porque está enfermo, debe decirle que necesita ir a la enfermería para llamarle a usted. Si el estudiante llama de su celular personal tendrán consecuencias.