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9/8/23 - Administrative Internships (Principal Interns - MSA Students)

TO: All Principals

FROM: Adrian Parry, Director Talent Acquisition - Leadership (Human Resources)

DATE: September 6, 2023

ACTION: Review information below, fill out the Google form if you have a current intern

We are in the process of gathering information about our current principal interns throughout the district. It is important that you notify Human Resources if you have anyone in your building completing an administrative internship. Principals: Please review the items below and fill out the Google form if you
have anyone that is completing any type of administrative internship to gain principal licensure through a university or college in your building.

Quick facts about MSA Internships

● Internships are completed within the last year of a candidate’s MSA program
● Candidates are paired with a supervising principal to have on site administrative experience to help prepare for their role as a future school administrator
● Internships can be full time or part time: Some candidates receive a scholarship that affords the opportunity for a full year experience and other candidates complete internship hours while they are working in their current within the school

MSA Internship Guidelines

● Internship placements are made in collaboration with Human Resources
● Principal interns are supervised by the principal of the school only
● Full year internship placements are made in the spring for the following school year in collaboration with Ed Leadership and Human Resources
● If you receive a request for someone to complete internship hours at your school, they must go through human resources for approval (utilize this form to share information with us so that we may contact you for next steps).
● There are additional requirements and steps to take through Human Resources for internship requests for non-CMS employees. Please make those requests directly through Adrian Parry, Director of Talent Acquisition - Leadership. (

*Action: Click on the link below to fill out the Google form if you have a current principal intern in your school. This form only needs to be completed one time and should be filled out by the supervising principal. If you have an intern and have filled this form out previously, there is no need to complete this action again. CMS Administrative Internship Form