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UPCA students get a taste of college

Posted 10.29.24

UPCA students at JCSU

Johnson C. Smith University’s College of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) hosted 44 fifth grade students from University Park Creative Arts School (UPCA) for a day of in-person class instruction in the science center to emulate the college experience. Students also took a tour of the campus, which included having lunch in the cafeteria and meeting the JCSU football team.

The students took an exit survey, and the majority said they were excited about going to college and would like to participate in more college tours and classes on college campuses. Most importantly, nearly all students said this field trip changed how they think about their future education.

JCSU faculty member Dr. Tracy Brown-Fox and UPCA educator Alkeemia Parker collaborated on the interactive experience, along with JCSU students and UPCA Principal Shanna Rae.

UPCA students at JCSU