Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools dedicates Bruns Avenue Elementary School
Posted on: 11/14/24
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools celebrated the opening of the new Bruns Avenue Elementary School building on Wednesday, Nov. 13. The new 45-classroom building replaces the old campus that was built in 1969.
“It was bittersweet,” said Principal Nathan Currie, Ed.D., of the process of opening a new building and closing another. “But the kids are so excited to be in the new building, and there’s so much positive energy from both the students and staff.”
Fifth graders kicked off the ceremony with their “Bruns Bear Chant” before performing “Lean on Me.” Currie recognized staff with several years of dedicated service to Bruns and those who helped coordinate the event.
Currie also recognized Dorothy Counts-Scoggins, who was in attendance, and James Swann, a first grader at Bruns in the 1960s who was denied access to riding a school bus after the school was integrated. Currie shared that they are commissioning a mural to be painted of Counts-Scoggins in the school’s media center, and Swann signed a brick from the old building that will be displayed in the new school.
“Our students say that they’re going to be the best that they can be,” said Currie. “They believe it and have to learn the power that’s within them. Just like so many in this community have been through like Counts-Scoggins and Swann, although they were children at the time, they had a powerful impact, and our kids do today.”
Board of Education member Thelma Byers-Bailey, District 2; Board Chair Stephanie Sneed; and Superintendent Dr. Crystal Hill also spoke at the event.
To see the dedication ceremony, click here.