• Reporting a Student’s Absence

    Go to the Home Page and click on the Report Absence(s) tab (right side). Please allow NO LESS THAN 72 HOURS for the absence to be reflected in PowerSchool, and do not submit multiple requests.


    Excused Absences

    Personal illness (please state type of illness)

    Medical appointments (must provide a doctor’s note)

    Death in family

    Religious holidays

    Approved Educational Leave (Submit 5 days in advance)

    CMS Approved Religious holidays (Submit 2 weeks in advance)

    Court or Administrative proceedings

    NOTE: Parents can no longer call the office to report a student's absence; they must send a note or email to the school in order for the absence to be excused.  Until a note is received by the attendance office, all absences above are unexcused. Please attempt to make all elective medical and dental appointments for times before or after school.


    Unexcused Absences

    Inclement weather

    Car trouble

    Missing the bus


    No written excuse or email
