• J.H. Gunn is a Title I school in Charlotte-Mecklenburg. This means that we receive federal funding to support teaching and learning in our school building. Schools considered Title I are those in which the identified student percentage (students directly certified) is at least 35.65% (or 57.03%) based on Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) guidelines. The Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) replaced Free and Reduced Lunch (FRL) as the district's measure of poverty in 2015.

    All CMS Title I schools operate under a schoolwide program model. These programs have flexibility in using their Title I funds, in conjunction with other funds in the school, to upgrade the operation of the entire school. Schoolwide programs must conduct a comprehensive needs assessment, identify and commit to specific goals and strategies that address those needs, create a comprehensive plan, and conduct an annual review of the effectiveness of the schoolwide program.


    23-24 JH Gunn School Compact
    Please complete one for each student.


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