School Nurse

  • Sarah Zmyslowska, BSN, RN is the coverage nurse at McKee Road ES.


    office:  980-343-3970

    Emergency Contact:  All students must have a completed Emergency Locator Card (Blue Card) filed in the Main Office. The purpose of this card is to enable school personnel to quickly locate a parent in case of an emergency. Your teacher will provide you with a blue card at the beginning of the year, but if you start mid-year or do not receive one then you can request one from the front office.

    Immunizations: Current immunization records are necessary for enrollment for those students new to CMS or who have been outside the system for a period. Please bring a copy to the school and keep the original for your records.

    Medication: Medications will only be administered when accompanied by a complete Medication Authorization Form signed by both the parent/guardian AND and physician.  A parent or guardian must also bring the medication to the school office in its original labeled container. A new form is required for each school year.

Health-Related Forms & Documents