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2024-2025 Registration Information

Mallard Creek Counselors will begin the class registration process for next school year in February. This week, the counseling team is visiting 1st block classes to go over pertinent information for registration. During Homeroom on February 6th, all students will receive a copy of their transcript and registration card to take home to review with the parents/guardians.  

One-on-one registration appointments will be listed for students on the course card. Students will need to return the card when they have their individual appointment with their assigned counselor. 

From February 6-11, students and parents will have an opportunity to put their course selections in Powerschool.  We encourage all students to input their selections with their parents/guardians, this is especially important as certain elective classes fill up quickly. 

When students meet with their counselor, changes can be made if necessary at that time. Please utilize the below resources in preparation for 2024-2025 class registration: