Joanna Harris, School Nurse

  • A Note from Your School Nurse

    Be Prepared

    Fresh air, exercise and time spent outside improve a child's behavior and learning in the classroom. I am happy to tell you that all classes here at Montclaire will continue to enjoy outdoor recess throughout the winter months.  We want your child to enjoy their time outdoors and be safe in the colder temperatures of winter.  They should wear a warm coat, gloves, and a hat or coat with hood.   Layering clothing is very helpful when trying to stay warm. As always, sneakers and flat bottomed rubber soled shoes are best.  Please do not send your child to school in any shoes with a heel or "dress-up" shoes. Children are here to work hard at learning and play hard on the playground, not to look fashionable.

    Attendance & Illness

    This is the time of year when we see a natural increase in students missing school because of illness.  Keep in mind, a normal healthy child should miss no more than 5-10 school days in an entire school year, including cold and flu season. Keep your family healthy!  Our bodies work best when we get lots of rest, healthy foods and several glasses of water every day.  Limit sweets/desserts/soda/fruit juice. 

    During the winter months there is less humidity in the air. This causes the insides of our noses to be very fragile and more likely to catch a cold or have a nosebleed. Fight this by dressing warmly and lowering the temperature on your thermostat so your heat is not constantly blowing hot, dry air.  Also hang a damp towel in bedrooms to increase the humidity of the air while your family is sleeping.

    Despite your best efforts, your child may catch a virus, a cold or a "bug" this winter.  A child will  needs to stay home if they have had a fever , fever medication, or vomiting/diarrhea in the last 24 hours, or if they have frequent, uncontrollable coughing.

    Please come by or call if you have any questions!

    Quick Health Information

    Fever actually helps the body fight infections. Be sure to call your child's doctor if the fever lasts longer than 2-3 days or if your child is acting sick or complaining of discomfort.

    • Do not send your child to school until he/she is fever free (temperature of 100 F or less) for 24 hours.
    Vominting/Upset Stomach:
    Vomiting caused by a stomach virus usually stops in 6-24 hours; it helps to let the stomach rest by giving fluids and foods slowly. Diarrhea may last longer.
    • Do not send your child to school until he/she is vomit/diarrhea free for 24 hours.
    • Students that have these symptoms at school will need to be picked up by a parent/family member.​
    Medications at School:
    If your child needs to take any medication at school, even if it is over-the-counter, please get a Medication Authorization form (see below) or from the school nurse and have your doctor sign it and return it to the school with the medication. You must also sign this form.

    Health Room Needs:
    When cleaning out your closets, please keep our Health Room in mind. We are especially in need of unisex elastic waist pants in all sizes, as well as other clothing for our students.

Health-Related Forms & Documents