• October 3, 2022


    Charlotte East Language Academy

    6108 Wilora Lake Rd

    Charlotte, NC 28212


    Dear Parents/Guardians:


    At the beginning of each academic year, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools (“CMS”) is required, pursuant to federal regulations and state laws, to provide students and their parents with certain annual notices.  These notices, along with more detailed information, are found in the 2022-23 Parent-Student Handbook at the pages listed below:


    Non-Discrimination & Equal Access to Facilities:  Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 p. 41; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 p. 41; The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504) p. 16; The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, (ADA) p. 17

    Students with Disabilities:  Pursuant to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), CMS must provide special education services to all children residing in the school district who are between the ages of three (3) and twenty-one (21) who have been diagnosed with or are suspected to have mental, physical or emotional disabilities and who are unable to benefit from a regular school program without special assistance. If your child may qualify for such special assistance, please contact: CMS Exceptional Children Department at 980-343-6960. p.18

    Homeless Students:  McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act of 1987 p. 23

    Student Records:  Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) p. 38

    Notice for Directory Information:  p. 39

    Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment:  p. 40

    Free or Reduced School Lunch:  p. 28

    Student Health:  Influenza and Meningococcal Diseases p. 24; Human Papillomavirus p.24

    Student Wellness Policy:  p. 24

    North Carolina Safe Surrender Law:  p. 24

    School Health Education Program:  Right to Opt-Out p. 26

    Student Discipline Policies:  p. 14

    School Bullying/Cyber-Bullying Policies:  p. 14

    Student Restraint/Seclusion/Isolation:  p. 42

    Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act:  p. 44

    Use of Pesticides:  p. 44



    The following information can be found on the CMS webpage at wearecms.com or by clicking the links below. 

    Parent/student complaints and grievances: Board Policy S-SCOM  

    Title I schools:  Title I 

    Advanced courses:Advanced Studies 

    Student testing information:  Accountability 

    CMS’s Local Education Agency Report Card required by Section 631(h)(1) and (2) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act:  Accountability 

    Equal Access to School Facilities:  Board Policy O-CUF and Regulation O-CUF/R


    Pursuant to N.C.G.S. 115C-47(58), you will be notified of the most recent grade of the school your child is attending, as issued by the State Board of Education, if the school received a grade of “D” or “F”.

    If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at (980) 343-0380.