Title I Schools
Schools considered Title I are those in which the identified student percentage (students directly certified) is at least 75% based on Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) guidelines. The Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) replaced Free and Reduced Lunch (FRL) as the district's measure of poverty in 2015. All CMS Title I schools operate under a schoolwide program model. These programs have flexibility in using their Title I funds, in conjunction with other funds in the school, to upgrade the operation of the entire school. Schoolwide programs must conduct a comprehensive needs assessment, identify and commit to specific goals and strategies that address those needs, create a comprehensive plan, and conduct an annual review of the effectiveness of the schoolwide program.
School Improvement Plan
All Title I schools have a School Improvement Plan. Visit our SIP for more information.
Annual Title 1 Parent Information Meeting Presentation
Title I Annual Meeting for Parents & Families
CCES Annual Title I Parent and Family Information Meeting Slides 2024-25.pdf 331.18 KB (Last Modified on October 25, 2024)
Title I School Family Engagement Policy
Title I School Parent and Family Engagement Plan Spanish
Clear Creek Parent and Family Engagement Allocation Form.pdf 1.11 MB (Last Modified on November 1, 2024) -
Title I School Parent and Family Engagement Plan
Title I School Parent and Family Engagement Policy Planning.pdf 87.8 KB (Last Modified on October 29, 2024) -
Participación de los Padres y las Familias en las Escuelas TÃtulo I
District Parent and Family Engagement Policy Spanish.pdf 270.9 KB (Last Modified on October 25, 2024)
Principal Letter
Parents Right To Know
CCES Right to Know Notification to Parents English and Spanish 2024-25
CCES Right to Know Notification to Parents English and Spanish 2024-25 for WEBSITE.pdf 181.89 KB (Last Modified on October 21, 2024)