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P.A.C.E. Program

Posted on 10/14/2024:

The Personalized Academic Command of English (P.A.C.E.) Framework builds the capacity of educators to maximize academic achievement for English Learners. P.A.C.E. incorporates effective, evidence/research-based instructional strategies and digital tools to support students in mastering content and language. P.A.C.E. disrupts systems of inequality by promoting access to grade level standards for English Learners through supportive instruction while maintaining the integrity of the NCSCoS standards.

At Elbert Edwin Waddell High School, the P.A.C.E. program assists immigrant and refugee families new to our Charlotte community. With smaller classrooms and a higher teacher-student ratio, this program is able to offer more personalized education based on the individual needs of each student. 98% of the student population at the school is hispanic, and those students and their parents find a welcoming environment that feels more comfortable.

Learn more about our P.A.C.E. program: