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Superintendent's Message - January 2024

Happy New Year, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Families!

 We are excited to welcome students and staff back to school recharged and ready to close out the first semester and begin the second half of the academic school year. As we turn the page on the calendar to a new month and a new year, let’s all re-commit and re-dedicate ourselves to the goals and plans we had when the school year began in August.

We celebrated many successes during the first half of the school year – gains in student academic performance in reading and math on state exams, approval of the 2023 $2.5 billion bond referendum, the opening of three new schools (Esperanza Global Academy, Grove Park Elementary School, and Central Piedmont Early College, as well as the rededication of Elbert Edwin Waddell High School), and the selection of CMS Principal of the Year Dwight Thompson as the Southwest Region Principal of the Year by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction. These are just a few of the highlights from the first half of the year. For a complete recap, I encourage you to review my 90-Day Report, which is available here.

Throughout the month, CMS will honor the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. I hope you can participate in the some of these observances. Also, remember that Jan. 15 is designated as the King Holiday, and all CMS schools and offices will be closed.

January also is School Board Appreciation Month in North Carolina. We are grateful to our school board members for their service to our school system. Our board members are active and involved citizens, and CMS is fortunate to have such a dedicated group of individuals supporting our schools, students, educators, and staff. As a reminder, the board will meet for its regularly scheduled January meetings on Jan. 9 and Jan. 23.

The end of the 1st semester is fast approaching for students at our traditional high schools. Let’s help them finish strong as they prepare for their exams. As a reminder for parents, please be mindful of your child’s exam schedule and check with your school for details or if you have questions.

As we look ahead to the second half of the school year, we remain steadfast in our commitment to and focused on the goals we set to achieve our vision of excellence without exception. We will continue to work to improve academic performance and ensure every student graduates ready to enroll, enlist or be employed.

Thank you for your commitment and dedication to the children, families, and staff of Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools. It is an honor to serve as your superintendent. 


Crystal Crystal L. Hill, Ed.D.