Superintendent's Message - June 2024
Greetings, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Families!
We’ve made it to the end of the 2023-24 school year! And what a year it has been – from my first days as superintendent visiting schools to the passage of a historic bond referendum to celebrating athletic championships, and everything in between.
During the school year, you attended town hall meetings and budget information sessions, completed surveys and shared your insights and feedback with us every time we asked. You supported your students when they were recognized for their achievements at Board of Education meetings and at their school events.
You have volunteered in our schools during the school day and at events after hours. You have rallied in support of school communities when their collective hearts were broken in the face of tragedy, and you’ve celebrated with them many times throughout the year when students and staff have received accolades and awards. You have been with us through it all, and for that we say, thank you. Thank you for being present, involved, and all-in for our kids.
As the clock winds down on the 2023-24 school year, we are excited to celebrate the Class of 2024. Ceremonies began last month for our early and middle college high schools, and ceremonies for our traditional high schools will continue over the next two weeks. You can find a complete schedule of ceremony dates and times, feature stories about our senior class, along with the live stream links to each ceremony on our district website by selecting the Graduation Information icon just below the photo banner.
It’s been a great year in Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools made even more meaningful by your partnership, collaboration and support. Thank you for entrusting us with your children. I wish you a fun, relaxing, and safe summer break. We look forward to welcoming students on August 26!