New to CMS
If you are new to Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools and have questions about our special education offerings, please visit our Program and Services page or contact Elaine Jones, EC Parent Liaison, via email at or via phone at 980-343-6960.
To learn more about enrolling your child, please visit CMS Student Placement.
In order to make your student's transition into CMS go smoothly, it is very important to provide your student's new school copies of the following information during registration:
- Most recent psychoeducational report, eligibility, evaluation and/or reevaluation report;
- Current individualized education program (IEP);
- Signed consent for services
- Contact information for your student's previous school and school district.
These items will support a successful transition between your student's old and new school and ensure that appropriate services and support are available.
What to Expect
For out of state students:
Once you have shared your student's special education records, school staff will contact you to discuss comparable services or services similar to or the same as provided on your student's most recent IEP. An initial referral meeting will be scheduled to begin the NC eligibility process.
For in-state students but new to CMS:
School staff will begin implementing your student's IEP immediately. An IEP meeting may be scheduled if revision to the IEP and/or a reevaluation is needed.
What is special about special education in CMS?
Individualized instruction and student achievement are valued in CMS. This is evident through the services that are available, including:
Specially designed instruction to meet the needs of all students with disabilities
Access to the general curriculum and intervention programs designed to provide maximum opportunities for instruction in the general-education setting
Full continuum of service, including support in the following settings: general education, special education, separate school, residential, and/or hospital/homebound.
Curriculum-driven instruction: North Carolina Standard Course of Study and North Carolina Extended Content Standards
Related services that include but are not limited to speech, occupational and physical therapy
Specialized instruction for students with hearing, visual, and physical disabilities
Modified materials, including but not limited to books on tape, large-print materials and specialized equipment and furniture
Accessible space in schools to meet the needs of students with physical disabilities
Appropriate technology to support students
Who determines what services are provided and where they are offered?
Individual Education Program (IEP) teams consider service delivery options based on the needs of each student. Teams may consider regular, resource or separate settings which are available at every school for students participating in the North Carolina Standard Course of Study. Teams may also consider self-contained classes for students with significant behavioral challenges or student with significant cognitive disabilities who participate in the North Carolina Extended Content Standards.
IEP teams may also consider self-contained classes at public separate schools for students with significant behavioral challenges or students with significant cognitive disabilities who participate in the North Carolina Extended Content Standards.
CMS provides comparable services to students identified with a disability who enroll from another district. Parents should contact the student's home school to initiate these services.
Hardship Caregiver Information
If you request a hardship Caregiver Affidavit, please fill out the request form under "Forms and Resources" on the Student Placement page and contact Neva Butler at or 980-343-2686.