Positive Behavior for Learning

  • Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS) is a model for creating positive school environments that support the needs of all students and staff. For some schools, PBIS will enhance their current systems and student practices. For others, PBIS will radically change the culture for the better.

    Staff and students enter school buildings with different ideas of appropriate behavior. For students to understand the behavior expectations, they must be taught. But before teaching students, the staff must develop shared agreements on their expectations. The instruction of expected behaviors is similar to any company providing orientation for new staff. We teach to prevent problem behavior. Fairness dictates that we do the same for all students.

    We teach everything important in a child's life. But, as important as education is to a child's future, school staff cannot assume that a child knows how to behave in school. They must be taught.

    With PBIS implementation, if a child does not readily demonstrate the expected behaviors, schools do not view this as an opportunity to punish. Instead, this is an opportunity to re-teach the expected behaviors. In this way, we can support students that struggle with behavior, like we support students that struggle with reading and math.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is PBIS new?

  • Does PBIS make a difference?

  • What about disruptive students?

  • What about parents?

Contact Us

  • Edwin Wilson
    Student Discipline and Behavior Support