Environmental Health & Stewardship
The Environmental Health and Stewardship Department provides guidance to schools and departments in maintaining a safe physical environment, adhering to safety, environmental regulations and maintaining required records. The department promotes stewardship of our natural resources and continues its efforts to operate in a manner that protects and conserves our air, water, and land resources, improves the environment and promotes environmentally sound behavior, including a commitment to energy conservation and renewable energy strategies. The Department also serves as District liaison with local, state, & federal agencies, including OSHA, DOT, Fire Department, Health Department, Risk Management, and Emergency Management. This department oversees the following programs:
- General Liability Claims - Injury & Property Damage
- Crossing Guards
- Principals Monthly Fire Drill & Inspections
- Fire Evacuation Plans
- School Emergency Responder Training
- Student Accident Reporting
- Traffic & Carpool Safety
- Off-Duty Traffic Officers
- OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens & Hazard Communication Training
- OSHA Recordkeeping
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Tornado Safety Plans
- Nuclear Emergency Evacuation Plans
- Chemical Hygiene Plans
- Hazardous Chemical Disposal
- Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Inventory
This department serves as CMS liaison for the following agencies and programs:
- Mecklenburg County Emergency Operations Center - EOC
- Mecklenbug County All-Hazards Advisory Committee - AHAC
- American Red Cross Emergency Shelter Operations
- CDC's Cities Readiness Initiative - CRI
- FEMA School Nuclear Response Plans
- School Crossing Guard Program
- Mecklenburg County Fire & Life Safety Bowl
- North Carolina Statewide Tornado Drill
- Building Services Annual Safety Conference
Contact Us
Dennis K. LaCaria
Executive Director
Facilities ManagementErna Perkins-Jones
Environmental Health & StewardshipKesha Porter
Interim Manager
Environmental Stewardship3301 Stafford Drive
Charlotte, NC 28208Environmental Health & Stewardship
Risk Management & Safety