• Section VII – DPI Crime Definitions

    Crime Definitions
    *Italicized offenses are considered dangerous and may lead to a school being designated “Persistently Dangerous.” The threshold for this status is at least two dangerous acts and a ratio of at least five dangerous acts per thousand students. 

  • Possession of Controlled Substance in Violation of Law (G.S. §90-86 through 90-113.8)

  • Assault Resulting in Serious Personal Injury (G.S. §14-32.4)

  • Assault Involving Use of a Weapon, Firearm, or Powerful Explosive (G.S. §14-32 through 14-34.10 and G.S. 14-34 through 14-34.10 and 14-49 through 14-50.1)

  • Assault on School Officials, Employees, and Volunteers (G.S. §14-33(c)(6))

  • Making Bomb Threats or Engaging in Bomb Hoaxes (G.S. §14-69.2)

  • Willfully Burning a School Building (G.S. §14-60)

  • Homicide (G.S. §14-17 and 14.18)

  • Kidnapping (G.S. §14-39)

  • Unlawful, Underage Sales, Purchase, Provision, Possession, or Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages:

  • Possession of a Firearm or Powerful Explosive (G.S. §14-269.2)

  • Possession of a Weapon on Campus or Other Educational Property (G.S. §14-269.2, G.S. §14-269.2(d))

  • Rape (G.S. § 14-27.21 through 14 -27.25)

  • Robbery With a Dangerous Weapon, Firearm, or Powerful Explosive (G.S. §14-87)

  • Sexual Assault (Sexual Battery, Sexual Activity and Contact and Penetration under Pretext of Medical Treatment (G.S. 14-27.31 and G.S. 14-27.33))

  • Sexual Offense (G.S §14-27.26 through 14-27.30)