• Measuring Progress


    Ensuring progress on implementing the strategic plan is essential. 

    We will monitor progress on our district goals and guardrails by reporting district performance on a series of interim measures on an established cadence over the next five years. This is the primary method for tracking toward the goal achievement in five years; these reports are publicly available by clicking on this tab. We will monitor our progress on the strategic plan, the “roadmap” toward the goals, through internal monitoring routines throughout the school year and will issue a yearly District Annual Report that shares progress on an annual basis.  Status updates will be provided to the Board of Education, as needed and appropriate.

    Progress Monitoring Schedule (2024-2027)


    Person pointing to screen discussing data


Goal 1

  • Increase the percent of K-2 students scoring at or above benchmark in early literacy as measured by DIBELS

Goal 2

  • Increase the percent of students scoring CCR (college and career ready) on reading end of grade assessments in grades 3-8.

Goal 3

  • Increase the percent of students scoring CCR (college and career ready) on Math I assessments.

Goal 4

  • Increase the percent of rising 12th grade students on track to graduate from high school enrolled, enlisted or employed. *The specific metrics will be shared upon development.


Guardrail 1

  • While ensuring schools have the resources needed to meet student needs, the Superintendent shall not neglect strategies or resources for significantly reducing achievement gaps.

Guardrail 2

  • The Superintendent shall not allow an unsafe environment in schools, at school-related events, or on transportation.

Guardrail 3

  • The Superintendent shall not neglect social-emotional support; character development support; attendance support; or access to enrichment activities that successfully engage students.

Guardrail 4

  • While ensuring all schools have teachers equipped to deliver high-quality instruction, the Superintendent shall neither neglect targeted nor comprehensive strategies for teacher recruitment, retention and engagement.